Our company’s plant in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, recently became
certified to ISO 14001, which is a family of standards related to environmental
management. It helps companies minimize any negative impact on the environment,
comply with laws, regulations and other environmental requirements and
continually improve in these areas.

It’s amazing how working toward this certification empowered
our employees to become conservationists. Once plant personnel were aware that
I was part of the team working toward ISO 14001, they brought a wealth of ideas
to my attention. I was asked if we recycled cans, ink cartridges and lots of
other items that were beyond our initial thinking.
I think that speaks volumes about the certification’s
relevance to everyone. Conserving what we have is not only good for the
environment, it’s good for business. We learned that there are many waste
streams that we can be paid for instead of paying someone else to dispose of
them. Cardboard and polymer waste are two great examples. Through our initial
“dumpster dive”, where we literally looked at all the things we throw away in a
week’s time, we uncovered many waste streams that we were able to reduce,
conserve or sell.
Now, I notice people conserving not because it’s a
requirement, but because they care about it and it’s the right thing to do. During
the process, our registrar interviewed more than 30 employees, and they
discovered a lot of engagement and pride that the process helped promote. They
were amazed by all the different ways that employees answered a question like,
“How does your job impact the environment?”

You can view our certification and get more details on all of our ISO accreditations on our
Darwin Brown
Manager, Americhem Inc.
Great looking page. You clearly put a great deal of time into it. I really appreciate the efforts that you've placed in writing this web site on iso 14001 certification.